June 21-23, 2023, Samara

Trends in engine development

The international scientific and practical conference named after N. D. Kuznetsov "Trends in engine development" will be held June 21- 23 on the territory of Samara University. The main topic of the conference is the issues of digital transformation of engine building.

Within the framework of the conference, issues of innovative developments in the creation of new generation engines will be considered and an exhibition of advanced scientific and technical solutions in the aviation and aerospace industry, energy engineering will be held.

A rich scientific, educational and business program is being prepared for the conference participants with the participation of representatives of the largest enterprises, corporations, science, public figures, teachers and scientists of leading Russian and foreign technical universities.

To increase the initiative and activity of young specialists, as drivers of the scientific and technical development of industrial enterprises and regions as a whole, to involve talented engineers and designers in solving current industrial problems, a youth section will be organized, within the framework of which the finalists of the NIR competition will be heard.

Speakers have the opportunity to publish theses of their scientific works (the template is available at the link).
Самарский университет
Московское шоссе, 34

How to participate in the conference?

The Conference may be attended as a speaker or listener.
And listeners and speakers need to register at the link below.
Submit abstracts
By April 22, 2023, it is necessary to send abstracts in MS Word format issued in accordance with the requirements to the mail of the engineconference@ssau.ru conference (indicate the section number and full name of the authors in the subject line), if pictures and schemes are used, then attach them in jpg format.
Example of the subject of the letter:
"1_Ivanov I.I., Petrov P.P."
where 1 is the conference direction number
I.I. Ivanov, P.P. Petrov - Full name of the authors
Requirements for registration
Отправка статей
Submit articles
If desired, you can publish the materials of the reports in the form of articles. Articles may be recommended for publication in the following journals:
1. Dynamics and vibroacoustics (link);
2. Bulletin of Samara University. Aerospace Engineering, Technology and Mechanical Engineering (link);
3. Journal "Heat Power" (link).

Conference sections

Within the framework of the conference, 12 thematic sections will be organized, covering all areas of design and production of aircraft engines
  • №1 «Aircraft engine designing and robustness issues»
  • №2 «Dynamics and Vibroacoustics»
  • №3 «Automatic control and fuel supply systems of aircraft engines»
  • №4 «Digital technologies of quality management and production organization»
  • №5 «New materials and manufacturing technologies»
  • №6 «Combustion processes of traditional and alternative fuels in engines and power plants»
  • №7 «Turbomachinery and Gas Turbine Performance»
  • №8 «Rocket engines and Spacecraft power engineering»
  • №9 «Trends in aerospace education»
  • №10 «Contact hydrodynamics and reliability of friction units»
  • №11 «Heat and mass trasnfer processes in heat engines and energy plants»
  • №12 «Strength of turbomachine parts»
The conference is held on the territory of the Samara National Research University named after S.P. Korolev. The location is marked below on the map.
Сonnect with us
Galkina Natalya Viktorovna
Forum Secretary
Phone: +7 (929) 716-20-20
Email: engineconference@ssau.ru
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